The brewing breeze subtly arrives. The clap of thunder, crescendo. The harmonious patter, like tiny feet on cobblestone, raindrops on the first fallen russet leaves. September thunderstorm.
Septemberish || resembling or characteristic of September.
September ushers in the new, leaving us to reminisce the old. Summer. With it comes change, vibrance, a harmony of spirit. A warmth of heart.Watching an autumn thunderstorm roll in this afternoon reminded me of the change. I am seeing all around me, not just in regards to Creation, but also in life.
For me, personally, it means a lot of new changes, an adjustment to what I’m accustomed. Life is different this September. But beautifully different.
Numerous brown boxes that smell of unattained learning have been delivered at our doorstep the past week, I watch in a different thrill of excitement as my siblings unpack their stacks of books to begin the new school year. I feel the excitement for them, a sense of wonderment. It’s a feeling I will always remember and always want to. I see the familiar light in my little brother’s brown eyes at the thought of starting his first day of 4th grade, his animated talk that “I’m learning cursive!” It’s a memory that’s being made.
This year, instead of having a box delivered at my door crying “Read me!” I’m embarking on the quest to search out the skills and learning I want to acquire under my belt. Bittersweet it is at times to think those “school book-filled box” delivery days are over, but it is with a renewed excitement that I start on this new road of change.
It will be a challenge. Self-discipline, motivation and productivity will be hurdles to jump as a whole day is laid out before me with not a grid in sight. It’s overwhelming at moments to look at the limitless list I’ve scribbled down over the past year at the skills I want to tackle and wonder where to begin.
It’s an uncertainty that I see most high-school graduates facing. . . what am I going to do with my life? All those grand plans we make as fourteen and fifteen year olds suddenly, as eighteen year olds, seem not the path to take.
September. It’s a new season, in all definitions of the word. I don’t have everything figured out. Honestly, who does? It’s an opportunity to seize this season day-by-day for God’s glory,
to not waste one moment, to ramp up our toolboxes with tools we will use the rest of our lives.
It’s not easy, no one ever said it would be.
The thunderstorm passed all too quickly this afternoon, the only remembrances of it being the damp leaves that even by tomorrow will not leave a trace of it’s existence. But the rain nourished the earth.
So is this young season. It will pass all too quickly. We have the opportunity before us learn the things that will push us forward, to grow. In later seasoned years we will look back with thankfulness or with regret on this season. Did we seize it?
September. A time of beautiful change.
Relying on God’s grace alone I strive to move forward in this exciting season.
“Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.”
|| 1 Timothy 6:17-19
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