The weekend had begun. Friday morn, autumn light streaming in, hands eager to begin. Her fingers flipped through the well-loved American Girl Doll cookbooks as she scribbled a list of all the yummies she wanted to make.
A tea party was in the works!
Gingerbread, jelly biscuits, chicken salad and your hot tea of choice. These made the cut and with excitement she donned her pink apron, itching to begin.
Her hands needed only a little guidance as the recipe was worked through, intent on her work she smiled through every teaspoon, and asked if she could taste the dough.
She climbed the counter top, and carefully handed down her tea set. Excitement and mischief danced in her eyes as she asked if she could pull a “tea prank” on her mother when she got home. She emptied the new box of tea bags and placed the bare box back in the cabinet, then began rehearsing how she’d pull off the trick.
Table set, ready for the luncheon to begin.
Conversation starters began the tea time. . . her eyes were lit up with excitement and her delighted chatter showed all who sat round the table just how such a simple thing as a tea party can just make a little girl’s day. What a sweet time, memories came to mind of the days when such a little gesture also brought so much joy to me. . . those are the days worth remembering and holding on to, and also re-experiencing with other little ladies!
Such was the start to the weekend! Thank you Hannah for letting us bake along , laugh along , munch along and hang out along with you!
You’re a very special young lady. Looking forward to many more such times with you!
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