This past Sunday, the celebrated day when we honor our mothers, serve them, and show them our love and gratitude that we have been feeling all year long in our hearts, I was shown that constant love, devotion and honor doesn’t necessarily stop with death’s intrusion, but that love can indeed continue, even when our loved ones are no longer present.
My granddad, who is entering his 79th year this August, has always been a man who shows respect and honor ever since I can remember. He has always recounted to us stories of his growing up years, and whenever he mentions his mother it is with a tender smile and sweet reminisce playing on his features. His mother was one who he looked up to and honored.
Every Mother’s Day since her death in 1973, he goes to the cemetery and plants her favorite flowers, not frippery or showy, by her grave. He doesn’t go because he has to or because he desires praise, but because he truly takes Exodus 20:12 to heart.
This year, Drew and I took the opportunity to tag along. Perhaps I was a bit sleepy-eyed from a long night the night before, but I realized later that day, that I wouldn’t have traded this experience for any amount of sleep in the world! I saw a glimpse into my granddad’s heart that day, a window that revealed self-sacrifice, honor and humility.
After our flower planting was done, fingernails were well dirtied, and we had a moment of silence, we then headed to another cemetery where my great-great-grandparents and great-great-great-grandparents were buried.
What a wonderful day of learning and history! Many a life lesson was learned!
“Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
~Exodus 20:12~
Abby I think this is your best post, it was thoughtful of you to do this for granddaddy.
You are so gifted. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Lovely post, Abby, and beautiful pictures. I couldn’t agree with Lydia are a very gifted writer!
This was very special Abby. Thank you for sharing!
Lovely retelling of your experience and what it means to you, Abby. Your grandpa is leaving a legacy by walking out what he believes. Thank God for that!
lovely, dear <3