One would expect August to be itself. Hot, dry, dead. But I guess August has a great mind to be different in this year of 2013, a great longing to be March or April, desiring greatly to change places. But, since March and April stubbornly won’t give up their places on the calendar, August is left to fend for itself. Well, it does not willingly go back to it’s old job of being dry and boring. No, instead it comes up with a new idea of what August is. Torrential summer rains, that instead of driving away the humidity, bring it on all the more stifling. Every afternoon brings the threat and promise of a shower, but mind you, August is not content with the “shower” that March and April are contented to give, no it must be a “downpour!”
Yesterday, we got one of these “downpours.” Of course, it wasn’t August that gave it to us, but our Creator, for he knows how we need these refreshing summer rains!
Since our transformer was blown out in the storm we had, the aftermath looked quite promising for me! I find a thrill in pulling on rubber boots, rain jacket, and bringing along the camera to the shimmering outside world of a thousand droplets. Puddles are itching to be jumped in, everything truly looks brand new in the rain, so one can’t help but explore! Our creek gravel driveway looked like a tiny creek, running with a mind all its own.
My brothers and I couldn’t help but wonder of the mystery of our creek, the question as to its rising and activity, since two very sturdy rains in the past week. So, camera and umbrella in tow, down we trudged, into the woods. The sound of our squeaky boots on water soaked ground were some of the most delightful sounds!
To our surprise, it wasn’t the creek that awaited us. But more like the Harpeth River! I shan’t mention the smell, for it wasn’t pleasant, but the sound of the rushing water was quite adventuresome! 🙂 The current was incredible, or so my brother said. Mind you I wasn’t in the rushing water, I might have been persuaded except for the minor fact that my sisters 30D camera was entrusted in my care.
(I thought pictures in black in white would be more intriguing than showing you the actual color of the water!) 🙂
So, our afternoon proved very adventurous! I truly am thankful for all the rain we have had, the Lord is truly wonderful to give us these refreshing showers!
“I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.”
~Ezekiel 34: 26
Beautiful writing, Abby! I love how you made a rainy August day come to life for your readers in the most exciting adventurous way! Keep up the good work!!!
I am so glad I could give you glimpse on how the sights and sounds really were! It was quite fun!
Amazing Writing, Abby! I agree with Tori, you totally have the words to bring your readers imagination to life with the stills. So beautiful!
Ps. LOVE your rain boots. :p Love you too. 😀
i have such sweet friends! the Lord is so good!